declarative transparent performant declarative
web backend framework for Deno

Entropy is a simple backend framework that transcends the creation and maintenance of awesome web applictions built on the bleeding-edge TypeScript runtime.

The number one choice for Deno applications

Entropy offers a rich suite of out-of-the-box tools for common backend functionality. Using the carefully designed utilities, you can create fast and secure web apps with ease, accompanied by awesome developer experience.


import { Module } from '@entropy/server'; import { UserController } from './user.controller.ts'; export class UserModule implements Module { public readonly channels = []; public readonly controllers = [ UserController, ]; }


import { Controller, Route } from '@entropy/router'; export class UserController extends Controller { @Route.Get('/users/:id') public async show(params: [string]) { return await this.render('pages/users/profile', { id: params.id, }); } }
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The simplest and most powerful framework

Take a look at the list of features that Entropy offers out-of-the-box.